Policy Brief & Alerts

August 22, 2017

An Analysis Of The Nigerian Economic Growth And Recovery Plan

This Paper examines the response of the Nigerian government to the ongoing recession in the domestic economy, particularly in the context of the recently released Economic Recovery and Growth Plan…

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May 17, 2017

Understanding The Ongoing Recession In Nigeria:A Synthesis Of The Events And Policy Options

In the second quarter of 2016, the Nigerian economy witnessed its first recession in twenty years due to the interplay of several external and internal factors. The recession has continued…

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June 5, 2015

The Chinese Model Of Infrastructure Development In Africa

Infrastructural development is a key step in providing a competitive business environment for African economies. It provides the backbone for poverty reduction strategies and programmes designed to improve the livelihood…

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August 25, 2014

Economic Growth And Job Creation (2012 Q3 To 2013 Q4)

This report examines the pattern of economic growth and employment generation in Nigeria based on quarterly data. It also analyzes the quality of job creation, dynamics of output and employment…

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January 20, 2014

Increasing Measles Immunization Coverage In Borno State Nigeria: Some Policy Options

This brief examines two measles immunization programs for children of age 9-23 months in an effort to boost measles immunization coverage in Borno State: free immunization against measles with media…

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January 20, 2014

Increasing Female School Enrollment In Nigeria: Some Policy Options

This brief examines two policy alternatives which government can adopt in order to increase the enrollment of girls in the primary school and also help eliminate gender disparity in Nigerian…

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January 14, 2014

Green Economy in Africa: Concerns and Way Forward

The green economy agenda promoted as part of the Rio+20 policy framework is indeed important to Africa for many reasons. With favorable national policies and institutions in place, the opportunities…

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November 12, 2012

Cost Effectiveness Analysis Of Selected Malaria Interventions In Nigeria

This brief highlights the findings of a cost effectiveness analysis conducted on two malaria intervention programs implemented in Jigawa State, Nigeria under the National Malaria Control Programme: the long-lasting insecticide…

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October 18, 2012

Budget 2013 And The Drive Towards Inclusive Economic Growth

This brief examines Nigerias Budget 2013, entitled Budget of Fiscal Consolidation with Inclusive Growth and highlights key sectoral allocations of the budget and their targets.

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March 16, 2012

Benefit Incidence Analysis Of Education And Health Spending In Nigeria

This brief examines the beneficiaries of government expenditure in the social sectors of education and health, and answers the question of equity in the provision of social services among different…

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January 30, 2012

Rising Inflation: Will The MPC Raise The Policy Rate Or Support Economic Growth

This brief examines global and domestic developments in Nigeria as well as the effect of slowdown in economic growth of key oil consuming nations on the Nigerian economy.

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December 22, 2011

Nigerias Budget For 2012: Inclusive Growth And Job Creation

This brief examines Budget 2012 and highlights key structural and institutional challenges that have been militating against the achievement of inclusive growth and employment generation as listed in the budget.

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November 17, 2011

Program Budget Analysis Of Nigeria’s Federal Government Expenditure in the Education And Health Sectors

This brief aims to deepen stakeholders understanding of the sources of funding and how money is allocated to and spent in the social sectors of health and education, which are…

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November 11, 2011

Transparency Deficits In The Disclosure Of Oil Sector Information In Nigeria

This brief examines the challenges in the discharge of statutory transparency roles by strategic regulatory institutions in the oil sector and also identifies policy interventions to improve access to information…

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