
May 4, 2020

The case for debt relief in Africa amid COVID-19

As the world grapples with the COVID-19 pandemic, countries are putting in place significant fiscal policy measures to counteract the sudden stop in economic activities. These spending plans aim to…

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April 24, 2020

COVID 19 and the Informal Sector in Nigeria: The Socio-Economic Cost Implications

As the world is currently being ravaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, nations are grappling with how to contain the spread and limit its effect with their borders. Nigeria, Africa’s most…

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April 23, 2020

CSEA, ASE, Join Global Experts, Leaders, to Issue G20 Call to Action on World Response To Covid-19

The Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA) and The African School of Economics (ASE), recently lent their voices to two separate appeals to developed countries of…

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April 20, 2020

Effective Targeting of COVID-19 Aid in Nigeria

Faced with an invisible and novel enemy to fight, governments across the globe have deliberately shut down their economies and placed cities on lockdown in order to stem the spread…

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April 14, 2020

Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the Nigerian economy

With 1.39 million coronavirus cases  and 79,382 deaths globally, the world continues to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. Even before the outbreak, the outlook for the world economy—and especially developing countries like Nigeria—was fragile,…

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April 13, 2020

The implication of Covid-19 pandemic on the Nigerian Economy

The Global Health Hazards and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 In December 2019, a cluster of pneumonia cases from an unknown virus surfaced in Wuhan, China. Based on initial laboratory findings,…

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April 2, 2020

COVID-19 in Nigeria – Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) as Vulnerable Populations at Risk

Here is what we know – COVID-19 has no known cure (at the time of writing this article). We also realize that given the dearth of medical infrastructure in Nigeria,…

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March 9, 2020

The Growing Livelihood-Problem for Internally Displaced Persons in Nigeria

“I was almost killed” Amos is perched on the edge of the bench, next to me, underneath the broad shade of an old mango tree. It is mid-afternoon, and the…

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February 25, 2020

How Big is Nigeria’s Power Demand?

Context: Nigeria has Africa’s largest population and economy, but Nigerians consume 144 kwh per capita annually, only 3.5% as much as South Africans.1 With only 12 GW installed, and typically just one-third…

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February 14, 2020

Poverty Alleviation via Education in Nigeria: Lessons from China

In Nigeria, approximately 50% of the estimated 193 million population live in poverty. In 2018, the World Poverty clock estimates that Nigeria has the highest number of people living in…

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February 3, 2020

Electric cars and the future of Nigeria’s oil economy

The Future Policy makers of about 13 countries including China (the largest car market in the world) and Japan (the third largest car market in the world) are pushing for…

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January 24, 2020

Three Top Priorities for Nigeria’s 2020 Power Agenda

Successive interventions, including privatization, have not yet resolved Nigeria’s persistent power sector challenges. This year, the newly-appointed Honorable Minister of Power will continue on the path towards achieving key power…

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January 21, 2020

Economic Implications of the Recent Border Closure

By Basil Anthony Abia In Brief On 20 August 2019, Nigeria partially closed its land borders with Benin, Togo, Niger, Cameroon and Chad – citing the irate level of smuggling…

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January 9, 2020

RISE in Nigeria: Research Overview

Researchers will examine whether and how the demand for improved learning drives educational systems to change in Nigeria. The RISE Country Research Team in Nigeria will examine the interplay between…

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November 28, 2019

Helping SDG implementation through communications: lessons from Nigeria and Peru

Southern Voice’s State of the SDG’s Initiative (SVSS) provided a unique platform for six selected teams from the Global South to explore global factors affecting the implementation of the 2030…

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November 15, 2019


Nigeria’s power sector was unbundled and partially privatized to establish a competitive market intended to improve management and efficiency, attract private investment, increase generation, and provide reliable and cost-efficient power…

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