Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Export And Its Components

Export and Components (US$ Million)

Sharp drop in export, post-2014Q3

Import and its Components (US$ Million)

Considerable drop in imports, 2016

Export and its Components: In 2015 and 2016Q1, overall export earnings declined significantly to a record low of less than $3000 million in 2016Q1, as against the peak of above $10,000 million in 2008 and 2013. This is largely on the account of falling crude oil price, production and export.

Import and its Components: Overall import declined considerably in 2015 and 2016Q1, due to the scarcity of FOREX and depreciation of the naira which made imports highly expensive.



Capital Importation And Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP (Construction Sector)

Capital Importation: Capital expenditure into the construction sector remained above 10 percent since 2005 until 2015. Similar to the manufacturing sector, overall capital imported into the constructi

Crude Oil Price

Crude Oil Price: Crude oil price attained a historical low of $30.7 in January 2016 largely due to excess global oil supply. Crude Oil Production and Export: Oil production has continued to fall in

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP (ITC)

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate: The information and communication sector has grown overtime but witnessed an unusual decline in 2011, which has remained low in 2016Q1 possibly due to declining con

Gross Domestic Product And Contribution To GDP

Gross Domestic Product: Agriculture Gross Domestic Product growth rate recorded its highest point in 2006Q1 but fell sharply subsequently. Particularly, the slow growth recorded in 2015 and 2016Q1 is