Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP (Transport Sector)

Real GDP at 1990 Base Year

Stalled growth, post-2005

Real GDP at 2010 Base Year

Weak growth post-2012, contraction in 2016

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate: Growth in the sector which stalled in the second and third quarters of 2015 witnessed a considerable decline in 2015Q4; the stall in growth in 2015 is attributable to persisting underperformance in road transportation. However, the sectors growth increased dramatically in 2016Q1 (reaching nearly 15 percent) owing to the sharp rise of activities in the road transport sub sector, but fell sharply to about -5 percent in 2016Q2.

Contribution to GDP: The contribution of the sector to overall GDP growth, which has been fairly flat prior to 2014 took an upward trend afterward; particularly jumped in 2016Q1 following the new budget allocations for capital expenditure.



Capital Importation And Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP

Capital Importation: Overall capital imported into the manufacturing sector fell deeply in 2015 and has remained low in 2016H1 on the account of present FOREX issues affecting businesses in the sector

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP (ITC)

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate: The information and communication sector has grown overtime but witnessed an unusual decline in 2011, which has remained low in 2016Q1 possibly due to declining con

Purchasing Managers Index

Purchasing Managers Index: The level of business activities declined sharply in the first half of 2016 on the account of weak economic performance. Particularly, the issues surrounding exchange rates

FDI, FPI And Other Investments

FDI, FPI and other Investments: Portfolio investment has continued to fall rapidly since 2014, while FDI inflows remain subdued since 2010