Policy Brief & Alerts

August 25, 2014

Economic Growth And Job Creation (2012 Q3 To 2013 Q4)

This report examines the pattern of
economic growth and employment generation in Nigeria based on quarterly data.
It also analyzes the quality of job creation, dynamics of output and employment
and establishes the link or absence thereof between economic growth and labor

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Date of Publication: July 2014

Volume Number: 1 Issue 1

Document Size: 14 pages

Job creation remains a centerpiece of President Goodluck Jonathan administrationsefforts owing largely to the prevailing high rate of unemployment, particularly among the youth. Measured as ratio of the unemployed labor force that is actively looking for employment to total labour force, the unemployment rate rose from 21.4 percent in 2010 (the year receding the inauguration of the administration) to 27.4 percent in2012. During the same period, youth unemployment rose from about 35.9 percent to42.0 percent.

The National Bureau of Statistics estimates that the labor force grew at an averageannual rate of 3.2 percent from 57.5 million in 2006 to 65.2 million in 2010 and 67.3million in 2011. As at 2011, the active unemployed labor force stood at 16.1 million,yielding 23.9 percent unemployment rate. At the annual rate of growth, the laborforce is estimated at 69.4 million in 2012. Given the officially reported unemploymentrate of 27.4 percent in 2012, the unemployed labor force rose to 19 million in 2012,implying that a net of 2.9 million people became newly unemployed during the year.

This figure represents an increase from 2.1 million in 2011 and 1.5 million in 2010.The alarming rate of increase in unemployment is driven by both labor force growthand lackluster demand for labor in the labor market.



Achieving Inclusive Growth Through Pro-poor Spending

The paper examines if the nature of the economic growth in Nigeria is inclusive (Pro-poor) or exclusive (pro-rich) and recommends ways to achieve inclusive growth with emphasis on Pro-poor spending.

A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Of School Feeding And Education Assistance Programs In Nigeria

The study conducts a cost-effectiveness analysis on two education interventions in Nigeria: Education Assistance program and the Home Grown School Feeding and Health Program with the aim of increasing school enrollment.

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 23)

Recently released report by the NBS shows an increase in Unemployment and Underemployment rates for 2016Q4 relative to preceding and corresponding quarters. The unemployment rate, at 14.2 percent, indicates a 3.8% points YoY4increase, and a 0.3% points QoQ increase with the number of unemployed people increasing by 351,051 persons. Similarly, underemployment rate grew (QoQ) by 1.3% points to 21%, representing about 17 million underemployed persons as at the quarter. The rise in unemployment/underemployment rate is attributable to the disproportionate rise in labour force vis--vis job creation, in addition to slow-down in economic/business activities during the quarter. Going forward, the government should make efforts to strengthen and expand Nigerias entrepreneurial infrastructure.