Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Public Debt-to-GDP Ratio

Total Public Debt to GDP Ratio (%)

Waning ability to repay external debt

Tax-to-GDP (%)

Low commitment to steady tax collection

Public Debt-to-GDP Ratio: The ratio of Nigerias cumulative government debt to national GDP has maintained an upward trend indicating the countrys declining economic productivity and ability to repay its external debt.

Tax-to-GDP Ratio: The ratio of tax collected compared to national GDPA has fluctuated heavily, partly indicating the lack of lack of commitment to steady tax collection by successive governments.



Capital Importation And Budgetary Allocation

Capital Importation: Foreign investment into the agricultural sector was relatively flat between 2007 and 2012 but gained unusual momentum in September 2015. The spike in 2015 is likely driven by the

91-Day Treasury Bills

91-Day Treasury Bills: T-bill rate has highly fluctuated overtime on the account of the rise and fall in investor confidence, monetary policy easing/tightening, governments demand for funds, and infl

Internally Generated Revenue

Internally Generated Revenue: Total internally generated revenue particularly declined across the 36 states in Nigeria, in 2015. This is attributable to the weak macroeconomic and financial conditions

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP (Transport Sector)

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate: Growth in the sector which stalled in the second and third quarters of 2015 witnessed a considerable decline in 2015Q4; the stall in growth in 2015 is attributable