Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Public Debt Stock And Debt Servicing

Public Debt Stock (Billion )

An upward-trending public debt profile

External Debt Service (US$ Million)

Spike in external debt servicing

Public Debt Stock and Debt Servicing: Public debt stock has steadily increased overtime; reaching over N12, 000 billion naira by 2015Q4. With the persistent fall in crude oil price and the attendant depreciation in the value of the naira, public debt servicing more than doubled, from about US$100 million to above US$300 million in 2015Q4.



FDI, FPI And Other Investments 2

FDI, FPI and other Investments: The unusual fall in overall capital importation, especially in equity investment, in the late 2015 and early 2016 is attributable to the tougher macroeconomic and finan

All-Share Index And Market Capitalization

All-Share Index: In 2016Q1, the decline in ASI was driven by declines in Banking, Insurance, Consumer goods, Oil/Gas, Lotus Islamic, Industrial, AseM, Pension and Premium NSE indices. However, the ASI

Capital Importation And Budgetary Allocation (ITC)

Capital Importation: Given the positive outlook on the ITC sector in the past few years, investments in the sector reached a 10-year peak in 2014. However, the foreign investment fell marginally in 2

91-Day Treasury Bills

91-Day Treasury Bills: T-bill rate has highly fluctuated overtime on the account of the rise and fall in investor confidence, monetary policy easing/tightening, governments demand for funds, and infl