Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

February 3, 2017

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 4)

Recently released power sector report by the
National Bureau of Statistics records a total average energy generation of 2,548GWH
by 25 power stations, from October 2016 to December 2016. Daily
Energy generation, attained the 2016Q4 highest level of 3,859.6MW in October
2016, and a lowest level of 2522MW in the same month. On the average, current
daily energy generated which is below 3,000MW, prompts system malfunctions.
Thus, the irregular power generation and supply experienced in recent times is
attributable to shortage of gas owing to non-functional major pipelines, in
addition to the inability of GENCOs to make payments for the available gas
supply. Given the recent challenges to power supply, efforts should
be geared towards the diversification of electricity generation. Government
should consider investment in renewable as well as coal energy to complement
gas power supply.

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March 13, 2018 - 4:00 am
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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 40)

OPEC weekly basket price declined by 2.4 percent to $42.68/barrel on September 16, 2016. This was triggered by a rise in US oil reserve, amid an outlook on weak global oil demand. Similarly, provisional data by OPEC reveals a steady decline in Nigerias crude oil production. Notably, production declined by 3.4 percent to 1.47 mbd in August, 2016.

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 9)

Crude oil prices fluctuated during the review week. OPEC weekly basket price decreased marginally from $53.63 on February 24, 2017 to $53.34 on March 3, 2017. Similarly, Brent crude declined (week-on-week) by 0.84 percent to $55.15, while Bonny light decreased by 2.4 percent to $54.4 per barrel. During the week, reports of Russias incomplete compliance to agreed production cut and rising United States crude production/inventories, led to the slight pressure exerted on oil prices. The uncertainties and volatility of global crude oil price stresses the need for the government to channel efforts at developing other key sectors of the economy, particularly the manufacturing sector.