Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

October 4, 2016

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 40)

weekly basket price declined by 2.4 percent to $42.68/barrel on September 16,
2016. This was triggered by a rise in US oil reserve, amid an
outlook on weak global oil demand. Similarly, provisional data by
OPEC reveals a steady decline in Nigerias crude oil production. Notably, production
declined by 3.4 percent to 1.47 mbd in August, 2016.

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 34)

Recently released report by the National Bureau of Statistics shows that Nigeria recorded remarkable Year-on-Year (YoY) and Quarter-over-Quarter (QoQ) increase in capital importation. Total capital importation stood at $1,792.3 million in 2017Q2, representing 72 percent YoY and 97 percent QoQ growths respectively. Disaggregated data points to portfolio investment as the dominant type of investment imported, with a value of $770.5 million, 43 percent of total capital importation. The increase in capital importation was driven by 145 percent QoQ surge in portfolio investment and a remarkable increase in capital imported through shares.