Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

October 11, 2017

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 38)

Available data from NBS shows that Aviation sub-sector of the transport sector grew by o.15 percent in real terms in 2017Q2 down from 1.53 percent in 2017Q15. The decline is likely attributable to fall in year-on-year passenger and aircraft movement in the sub-sector, following increased air fare charges. 

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 16)

Recently released World Economic Outlook by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) projects economic activities to increase significantly in developing countries- especially Nigeria. Annual real output is expected to grow by 0.8 percent in 2017 from the contraction of 1.5 percent in 20161. Improvement in economic activities is hinged on prospective favorable effects of continued increase in commodity export price (Crude oil is expected to increase to $55 per barrel in 2017 compared to $46 in 2016).

Real GDP Growth Rate

On average, Nigerias GDP growth rate has averaged about 5 percent; attaining an unusual trough of nearly -10 percent in 2003Q4 and a peak of nearly 20 percent in 2004Q4. However, the Nigerian economy

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 3)

The Nigeria stock market indices; All Share Index (ASI) and Market Capitalization declined by 2.4 percent to close at 26537.36 points and N9.12 trillion respectively at the end of the trade session this week8 The decline in the indices, which is attributed to the low subscription for stocks in the market, led to the partnership between Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Debt Management Office (DMO) to salvage the financial system.