Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

April 15, 2019

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 12)

The Nigerian mining and quarrying sector recorded growth in the production of solid minerals in 2018. The total quantity of solid minerals produced rose from 45.7 million tons in 2017, to 55.9 million tons in 20181 – representing a 22% increase. Disaggregated by type of solid mineral, Limestone was the most produced – production grew […]

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The Nigerian mining and quarrying sector recorded growth in the production of solid minerals in 2018. The total quantity of solid minerals produced rose from 45.7 million tons in 2017, to 55.9 million tons in 20181 – representing a 22% increase. Disaggregated by type of solid mineral, Limestone was the most produced – production grew by 95% to 27.2 million tons in 2018, and accounted for about 49% of the total tons of minerals produced. The growth witnessed in the sector may have emerged from the government’s efforts and incentives to develop the sector and also in a bid to diversify the economy. The government had offered mining companies a three to five year “tax holiday”, duty and tax-free importation of equipment, full ownership of their businesses and the ability to take profits out of the country2. In addition, the government committed about $100 million intervention fund for the sector and awarded mining contracts to ten exploration and consulting firms, in 20183. In addition to ongoing interventions, there is need to minimize the indiscriminate export of mineral commodities especially gold, tin and lead-zinc to foreign smelters, as formalizing these activities offers great potential for a significant source of revenue for Nigeria, away from oil.



Purchasing Managers Index

Purchasing Managers Index: The level of business activities declined sharply in the first half of 2016 on the account of weak economic performance. Particularly, the issues surrounding exchange rates

Rising Inflation: Will The MPC Raise The Policy Rate Or Support Economic Growth

This brief examines global and domestic developments in Nigeria as well as the effect of slowdown in economic growth of key oil consuming nations on the Nigerian economy.