Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Crude Oil Price

Crude Oil Price (US$/Barrel)

Volatile: reviving crude oil price, 2016Q2

Crude Oil Export and Production (MBPD)

Volatile: declining crude oil production, 2016Q2

Crude Oil Price: Crude oil price attained a historical low of $30.7 in January 2016 largely due to excess global oil supply.

Crude Oil Production and Export: Oil production has continued to fall in recent times on the account of sabotage on oil facilities, while crude oil export has also maintained a downward trend on the account of falling demand particularly from Asia.



Tax Collected

Tax Collected: Tax revenue which has relatively maintained an upward trend, fell considerably in 2015 and dipped significantly in early 2016 on the account of economic downturn, as many businesses sev

Export And Its Components

Export and its Components: In 2015 and 2016Q1, overall export earnings declined significantly to a record low of less than $3000 million in 2016Q1, as against the peak of above $10,000 million in 2008

Net Foreign Exchange Flows Through The Nigerian Economy

Net Foreign Exchange Flows through the Nigerian Economy: The recent fall in foreign exchange earnings reflects the decline in both oil sector receipts from CBN, and non-oil sector inflows from autonom

All-Share Index And Market Capitalization

All-Share Index: In 2016Q1, the decline in ASI was driven by declines in Banking, Insurance, Consumer goods, Oil/Gas, Lotus Islamic, Industrial, AseM, Pension and Premium NSE indices. However, the ASI