
November 7, 2019

Nigeria’s Ease of Doing Business Ranking: Behind the Numbers

On 24th October 2019, the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business report was released announcing that Nigeria has climbed 15-places up to 131 rank out of 190 countries globally.…

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October 21, 2019

Nigeria Education in Focus (Issue4)

Education is acknowledged largely as a significant tool because it equips students with the functional skills for decent living and generates human capital that can spur economic development. Education has…

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September 30, 2019

The Global South and development assistance

While cooperation between countries in the global South has existed since the 1955 Bandung Asian-African conference, South-South cooperation (SSC) has recently experienced rapid growth and rising global prominence. In 2013,…

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September 2, 2019

Future Energy Use in the Developing World: Implications for poverty reduction and climate goals

In view of the long-standing debate between green growth and de-growth, this analysis throws light on the dimensions of future energy use growth and its implication for development and climate…

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August 30, 2019

Chinese think tanks with Chinese characteristics: some lessons for African think tanks

Think tanks in China have drawn prominence in the global body of think tankers since the end of the Chinese closed-border policy era. By all accounts, the number of Chinese think…

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July 29, 2019


Nigeria has significant renewable water resources; however, the current reality is that most of it is poorly utilized and managed, thus raising important sustainability questions. There are several concerns associated…

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June 13, 2019

Supporting Humanitarian Workers in North-Eastern Nigeria

North-eastern Nigeria, comprising of Borno, Taraba, Adamawa, Yobe, Gombe, and Bauchi states, has become the most uninhabitable region in the country due to series of Boko Haram attacks. Despite counterterrorism…

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June 12, 2019

Nigeria’s Electricity Challenges and Policy Bottlenecks

Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy and has one of the widest energy gaps in the world. To provide the necessary economic growth for its growing population, Nigeria urgently needs to…

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May 22, 2019

2019 Energy Policy Workshop

Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy, but also has one of the widest energy gaps in the world. With a quickly growing population, Nigeria urgently needs to improve its power sector.…

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May 6, 2019

Fostering Effective Tobacco Control Policy Implementation in Nigeria

It is widely known that cigarette smoking and other forms of tobacco use (both active and passive smoking) is damaging to health, poses enormous economic costs, and accounts for a…

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April 8, 2019

Nigeria’s New National Minimum Wage: Responses and Implications for the Economy

By Peace John On March 19, 2019, the new national minimum wage bill, an issue that featured widely in the 2019 presidential campaigns, finally received legislative approval. The Senate approved…

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February 28, 2019

Effects of 2019 Elections: Predicting the Economy’s Response in Nigeria

The stability of the country’s political environment is an essential element in determining and predicting the level of economic growth in a democratic economy. The traditional assumption in the political…

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February 8, 2019

Achieving Abundant and Affordable Energy in Africa: Is there a place for nuclear power in Nigeria?

Nigeria and Russia has signed agreements to set up four nuclear power plants and a Centre for Nuclear Science and Technology in Nigeria. This piece examines the prospects of nuclear…

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January 18, 2019

Energy Subsides in Nigeria: Opportunities and Challenges

Various forms of consumer energy subsidies[1] are implemented in Nigeria. Three energy products are particularly subsidized: gasoline (Premium Motor Spirit –PMS), household kerosene (HHK), and electricity. In the case of…

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December 19, 2018

CSEA hosts policy dialogue on Nigeria’s Tobacco Market and Policy Space

CSEA organized a policy dialogue on “A Scoping Study of Nigeria’s Tobacco Market and Policy Space” to share findings of the study to policymakers and the public, and also receive…

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December 19, 2018

Managing Africa’s Rising Debt: Time for a Multi-Pronged Approach

Debt sustainability in Africa has emerged as a key concern among policymakers and development finance institutions (DFIs). Currently, 19 out of 54 countries in Africa exceed the 60% debt-to-gross domestic…

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