December 31, 2022

Agricultural Development Financing and Food Inflation in Nigeria: What the Government may need to do differently

Over the years, the Nigerian government has deployed development financing initiatives to boost food production through increased access to finance for farmers and other small businesses in the sector. While progress may have been made in some areas, the country is still at a critical juncture, as access to food and its affordability remain a major problem for a large part of the population. This brief aims to examine how the government’s financing policies to improve food production have fared, given the prevailing economic conditions in the country. The focus is particularly on such financing programmes as administered by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). It will highlight progress with these financing programmes and discuss other challenges to food production, which are possible drivers of the rising food inflation in the country.

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March 13, 2018 - 4:00 am
288.58 kB
v.1.7 (stable)



Nigerias Budget For 2012: Inclusive Growth And Job Creation

This brief examines Budget 2012 and highlights key structural and institutional challenges that have been militating against the achievement of inclusive growth and employment generation as listed in the budget.

Csea Conducts Empirical Research To Identify New Trade Opportunities For Nigeria With Poland

The attainment of Nigerias development aspirations depend largely on the appropriateness of the economic decisions made today. Given its mono-cultural nature, the sustainability of the Nigerian econo