Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

September 3, 2018

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 31)

Data from the NBS on mining and quarrying in Nigeria show an increase in the quantity of solid minerals produced in 2017. Precisely, Nigeria produced 45.75 million tons of solid minerals in 20171 – up by 5.2 percent Year-on-Year. Disaggregated by states, Ogun state produced the largest tons of about 51 percent of total solid […]

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Data from the NBS on mining and quarrying in Nigeria show an increase in the quantity of solid minerals produced in 2017. Precisely, Nigeria produced 45.75 million tons of solid minerals in 20171 – up by 5.2 percent Year-on-Year. Disaggregated by states, Ogun state produced the largest tons of about 51 percent of total solid minerals, followed by Kogi and Abuja with 11 and 10 percent respectively. By type, granite and limestone were the most produced solid minerals, representing 38 percent and 31 percent of total tons respectively. The increase in production of solid mineral may have been triggered by improved demand for raw materials needed to produce end-products like cement – given the commissioning of the Okpella factory in 20172



Public Debt Stock And Debt Servicing

Public Debt Stock and Debt Servicing: Public debt stock has steadily increased overtime; reaching over N12, 000 billion naira by 2015Q4. With the persistent fall in crude oil price and the attendant d