Nigeria Economic Chart Park

All-Share Index And Market Capitalization

All-Share Index (ASI) (Points)

Stock market underperform post-2014

Market Capitalization (Billion )

Declining investor confidence

All-Share Index: In 2016Q1, the decline in ASI was driven by declines in Banking, Insurance, Consumer goods, Oil/Gas, Lotus Islamic, Industrial, AseM, Pension and Premium NSE indices. However, the ASI increased in 2016Q2 on the account of the rise in all sectoral indices which rose above the levels in the preceding quarter, with the exception of the NSE Oil and Gas index.

Market Capitalization: Market capitalization for all listed securities (equities and bonds) has generally maintained an upward trajectory except during the period surrounding 2009 financial crisis, and post-2015. The poor performance, post-2015, was largely driven by unfavourable macroeconomic developments, currency risk, recovery in developed economies, and the effects of quantitative easing by the US Federal reserve. Particularly in 2016Q1, the weak performance was driven by unfavourable economy policies, low oil price and the attendant impact on FOREX, and delay in the signing of budget.



Capital Importation And Budgetary Allocation (ITC)

Capital Importation: Given the positive outlook on the ITC sector in the past few years, investments in the sector reached a 10-year peak in 2014. However, the foreign investment fell marginally in 2

Appropriation Act (Budget)

Appropriation Act (Budget): Capital expenditure remarkably increased in 2016 relative to preceding year, on the account of the present governments renewed commitment to infrastructure development.

Business Confidence Index

Business Confidence Index: After its peak in 2011, business confidence fell sizeably in 2012 as well as 2015Q2. Most recently, BCI has declined to a negative levels in 2016Q1 and Q2. The recent declin

Capital Importation And Budgetary Allocation (Transport Sector)

Capital Importation: Since the dramatic decline in 2013, private and government sector investments in the sector have remained low in 2016. Budgetary Allocation: Budgetary allocations to the transpo