Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Capital Importation And Budgetary Allocation

Capital Importation (US$ Thousand)

What happened in late 2015?

Budgetary Allocation (Billion )

Budgetary allocation for agriculture rise in 2016

Capital Importation: Foreign investment into the agricultural sector was relatively flat between 2007 and 2012 but gained unusual momentum in September 2015. The spike in 2015 is likely driven by the rise in investor confidence in line with the new governments strong stance on devaluation.

Budgetary Allocation: The proportion of the national budget allocated to the agricultural sector, which fell deeply in 2015, was increased in 2016, in both recurrent and capital expenditure in the sector. This is attributable to the present governments commitment to agriculture.



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Capital Importation And Budgetary Allocation (ITC)

Capital Importation: Given the positive outlook on the ITC sector in the past few years, investments in the sector reached a 10-year peak in 2014. However, the foreign investment fell marginally in 2