Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

January 22, 2016

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 5)

All Share Index (ASI) and Market
Capitalization declined by 13 percent to close at 23514.04 points and N8.09
trillion respectively at the end of the trade session on January 15.
The huge drop in the Index, representing a 3-year low, led to the introduction
of the Index Circuit Breakers Rule. While this policy measure may
prevent huge losses in the stock market, rising concerns about macroeconomic
stability in Nigeria may significantly increase the level of volatility in the
stock market. This may have substantial adverse implications for investors in
the Stock Exchange.

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 26)

The All-Share index (ASI) and Market Capitalization both depreciated (week-on-week) by 1.45 percent for the second consecutive trading week- June 3, 2016 to June 10, 20166. ASI depreciated by 401.8 points from 27,634.42 points to 27,232.62 points, while Market Capitalization declined by N140billion from N9.49 trillion closing the week at N9.35 trillion. All other indices declined, with the exception of NSE ASem Index, NSE Insurance Index, and NSE oil/Gas Index. The delay in the implementation of proposed forex policy continues to adversely affect stock market performance. However, with growing speculations that the new FOREX guidelines would be released in the succeeding week, market indices could perform better subsequently. Hence, monetary authorities should ensure the timely release and implementation of the new FOREX policy to boost investors confidence in the near term and ensure price stability in the capital market.