
August 3, 2015

Volume 3 October 2014

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March 13, 2018 - 4:00 am
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v.1.7 (stable)



Benefit Incidence Analysis Of Education And Health Spending In Nigeria

This brief examines the beneficiaries of government expenditure in the social sectors of education and health, and answers the question of equity in the provision of social services among different income groups.

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP (ITC)

Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate: The information and communication sector has grown overtime but witnessed an unusual decline in 2011, which has remained low in 2016Q1 possibly due to declining con

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 33)

Available reports from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC), suggests a significant reduction in the cost incurred to produce one barrel of crude oil for the past two years. Specifically, the cost of production reduced by 71 percent from $78 as at August 2015, to $23 per barrel as at August 2017. This may be attributable to moderations in operational expenditures, following repairs and restructuring in the oil region.