June 18, 2013

The Budget, Fiscal Policy And Service Delivery

paper discusses the Macroeconomic impact of budget and its process and how to
achieve an efficient and timely budget cycle.

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Publication Date:December, 2010

Document Size:25pages

This presentation focuses on three key budget relatedissues in Nigeria:

  • Fiscal policyimpact on macro-economy
  • Budget processthe budget cycle
  • Service deliveryprogramme-basedbudgeting


  • Since 2003, there has been progress instrengthening public financial managementof the federal government of Nigeria;
  • However, in some respects there has beendeterioration in fiscal discipline and in thebudget process;
  • There has been limited improvement inservice delivery;



Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 19)

A recent report by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) indicates that Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) at the subnational level decreased slightly between 2014 and 2015. Specifically, the report shows that on the average, the IGR of all 36 states declined by 3.6 per cent from N707.9 billion in 2014 to N683.6 billion in 20157. A further disaggregation reveals that while IGR in 11 states improved in 2015 compared to 2014, IGR in 24 states were below their 2014 levels. As expected, Lagos state generated the most IGR during the period. Given that domestic resource mobilization is the most viable alternative to complement the shortfalls (driven by lower oil prices) in budgetary allocations to states from the federal government, state governments need to do more to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of revenue collection.