Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

November 25, 2016

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 48)

oil price decreased in the review week. OPEC weekly basket price reduced by 3.5
percent to $42.06per barrel from November 4, 2016 to November 11,
2016, while Nigerias bonny light price decreased by 1.1 percent to $44.36per barrel in the same period. Global oil market refocused on oversupply, as
indicated in the OPECs October crude data figures (global OPEC and Non-OPEC
oil supply grew by 0.97mb/day to average 96.32mb/day and outpaced demand by

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 51)

According to figures released by the Nigeria Bureau of Statistics, employment growth lagged during the recession period, and worsened unemployment/underemployment rates few quarters after. Specifically, unemployment rate rose to 18.8 percent in 2017Q31, up from 16.2 percent in previous quarter (the recession-exit quarter) and 13.9 percent in corresponding quarter. Disaggregated figures reveal that the number of unemployed and underemployed persons in the labour force increased by 17 percent and 2 percent respectively, to 15.9 million and 18.0 million in 2017Q3, majority of which are young persons within ages 15-34. 

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 1)

The external reserve increased week-on-week by 2 percent to $26.3 billion on January 6, 2017. The increase was likely triggered by continued marginal rise in crude oil price, which moderated oil revenue in the review week. The recent rise in crude oil price is likely to be maintained in the short term given the recent oil production cut deal by OPEC members. Thus, the Nigerian government should target short term increase in crude oil production to fully take advantage of Nigerias exemption from oil production cut and potential rise in oil prices.

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 27)

The Naira strengthened against the dollar in the review week. Specifically, the Naira appreciated by 2.7 percent to N355/$ (parallel market rate) on June 17, 2016, following the release of the flexible FOREX policy guidelines by the CBN on June 15, 2016. The new policy effectively adopts a single market structure hosted at the autonomous/inter-bank market. The inter-bank trading scheduled to commence on June 20, 2016 will be market-determined, officially eliminating the N197/$ peg. To ensure foreign exchange liquidity, primary market dealers have been introduced while the CBN will participate in the market through periodic interventions.