Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

October 23, 2014

Nigeria Economic Review (First Half Report 2014)

advanced economies showed strong signs of recovery during 2014H1 despite the
adverse effect of the severe winter (especially on the United States economy)
while economic activities slowed and growth was below projection in emerging
and developing economies.

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federally collected revenue increased to N2.42 trillion in 2014Q1 compared to
N2.20 trillion in 2013Q4 as a result of a significant increase in crude oil and
gas exports to some countries like India, Malaysia and China. Also, the federal
government consistently incurred fiscal deficit from 2013Q1 to 2014Q1; the
level of deficit increased drastically in 2013Q4 and was sustained through 2014Q1.

rate remained within the Central Banks target (6 9 percent) for 2014
although it ticked up marginally from 7.7 percent in February to 8.0 percent in
May. Inflationary pressures are expected in the second half of the year but it
is expected that monetary policies and supply-side interventions can be used to
cushion the effect.



Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 7)

External reserve dropped slightly by 0.6 per cent from $28.35 billion in January 22 to $28.19 billion in January 295. Considering the continuous decline, government has stepped up efforts towards financing the deficit in the proposed budget through borrowing. At the forex market, the official exchange rate remained unchanged at N197/$ while the naira depreciated at the parallel market by 2.36 percent from N297/$ to N304/$ between January 22 and 296. Despite the huge spread between the official and parallel market exchange rates, the monetary authorities maintained its fixed exchange rate regime at the official forex market. It is expected that if the demand pressure for dollar persists, the value of naira may decline in the near term.

A Review Of Nigerias 2016 Budget

This study reviews and assesses the 2016 budget of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in line with IMFsbudget assessment indicators, namely: comprehensiveness, transparency, and realism. The assessment is based on clear understanding of the present administrations objectives, which are: to achieve socio-economic and infrastructural development, to diversify the Nigerian economy, and to achieve improved security of lives and properties.