Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Balance Of Trade (Export And Import)

Export and Import (US$ Million)

Buying and selling less, post-2014

Balance of Trade (US$ Million)

The preponderance of trade deficits, post-2014Q2

Balance of Trade (Export and Import): With export and, to lesser extent, import declining balance of trade fell deeply in 2015 and, to lesser extent, in 2016Q1.



Monetary Policy Rate

Monetary Policy Rate: The fluctuations in MPR reflect CBNs intermittent effort to promote growth, stymie inflation or incentivize capital flows. Particularly, the rise in MPR in 2016Q1 was effort to

Tax Collected

Tax Collected: Tax revenue which has relatively maintained an upward trend, fell considerably in 2015 and dipped significantly in early 2016 on the account of economic downturn, as many businesses sev

Real GDP Growth Rate

On average, Nigerias GDP growth rate has averaged about 5 percent; attaining an unusual trough of nearly -10 percent in 2003Q4 and a peak of nearly 20 percent in 2004Q4. However, the Nigerian economy

Purchasing Managers Index

Purchasing Managers Index: The level of business activities declined sharply in the first half of 2016 on the account of weak economic performance. Particularly, the issues surrounding exchange rates