Nigeria Economic Chart Park

Real GDP Growth Rate- Nigeria And Selected African Economies

Real GDP Growth Rate: Selected African Countries (%, y/y)

Nigeria highly vulnerable to commodity price shocks

Real GDP Growth Rate: Selected Net-Oil exporters (%, y/y)

How are net oil exporters fairing?

Real GDP Growth Rate- Nigeria and selected African Economies: While GDP growth in selected African economies have generally declined at different magnitudes with the slump in commodity prices, other economies have managed to stay out of recession with the exception of Nigeria. This is attributable, amongst other factors, to better diversification of revenue base in these economies, thus buttressing the impact commodity price shock.

Real GDP Growth Rate- Nigeria and selected Net-oil Exporting Economies: Net-oil exporting economies have been adversely affected by the slump in oil price, with Russia and Nigeria being severely impaired. However, while Russia appear to be on the road to recovery in 2016, the Nigerian economy has sharply decelerated in the period..



Internally Generated Revenue

Internally Generated Revenue: Total internally generated revenue particularly declined across the 36 states in Nigeria, in 2015. This is attributable to the weak macroeconomic and financial conditions

Capital Importation And Gross Domestic Product Growth Rate And Contribution To GDP

Capital Importation: Overall capital imported into the manufacturing sector fell deeply in 2015 and has remained low in 2016H1 on the account of present FOREX issues affecting businesses in the sector

External Reserve

External Reserve: External reserve picked up from its year-2000 level below $10,000 million to above $60,000 million in 2008. However, the external reserve fell deeply in 2010/11 and even further in 2

Money Supply And Lending Rate

Money Supply: On a month-on-month basis, growth in M2 have accelerated overtime; reaching over N20,000 billion by April 2016. The rise in M2 at the end of 2016Q1 reflects the fast-paced rise in aggre