May 5, 2014

Dr. Ebere Uneze Joins Experts, Policymakers At The World Economic Forum (WEF)

Dr. Ebere Uneze, Executive Director, CSEA, will join other experts, policymakers and global leaders for a meeting organised by Friends Africa, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, UNITAID and the Global Fund on the occasion of the 24thWorld Economic Forum (WEF) on Africa for the Africa Health Innovation Meeting: Leapfrogging Development Challenges to Transform Africas Health which will hold in Abuja, Nigeria, on May 7, 2014.

Dr. Uneze will join the debate against the motion Health should be prioritized over other Developmental Pillars of the Economy and will speak extensively on the economy, agriculture, infrastructure and education as a priority over healthcare.

The meeting will provide a platform for intense debate and discussion among policymakers and experts who will critically examine the challenges faced by Africas healthcare systems whilst highlighting how sustainable growth and development can be achieved.

Other sessions scheduled for the meeting include:

  • Spurring Innovative Domestic Financing For Health in Africa
  • Leadership, Policy and Advocacy for Health in Africa
  • Innovative Approaches for Leapfrogging Development Challenges in Africa to Increase Access to Quality Health
  • Strategic Public Private Partnerships For Health and the Roleof Civil Society



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