May 22, 2017

CSEA Participates In IRES Meeting On Africas Structural Development Challenges

The Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) organized an international meeting on the theme “What innovative strategies for addressing Africa’s structural development challenges”. The meeting comes under the framework of IRES 2018 Strategic Report, devoted to the autonomous development of Africa was attended by senior officials and experts from African think tanks.

The meeting which held in Morocco on 15 May 2017, provided a platform for discussions which focused on structural challenges facing Africa as part of its economic, social and environmental development process. Participants also examined other important issues such as the positioning of Africa on the global geopolitical and geo-economic scene and the security threats affecting the stability of some countries on the continent.

Mohammed Adekunle Yusuf presented a paper titled African Continent Developmental Challenges: The Problems and Prospects in the Medium Term. The paper examined Africas economic performance as well as its challenges and highlighted key policy strategies to address the challenges in the medium term.



CSEA hosts policy Dialogue on Tobacco Control in Nigeria

CSEA organized a Policy Dialogue on the Economics of Tobacco Control. The main objective of the dialogue was to disseminate the findings of CSEA’s study on "The Economics of Tobacco Control: Modelling the Fiscal and Health Effects of a Tobacco Excise Tax Change in Nigeria"