Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

October 23, 2015

Nigeria Economic Review (First Half Report 2015)

The modest growth in the
global output witnessed in the first quarter of 2015 was driven mainly by
advanced economies, particularly the United States. Growth slowed down significantly
in emerging and developing economies, primarily natural resource-dependent
countries which were adversely affected by falling commodity prices.

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Real Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) growth in Nigeria continued to decelerate in 2015H1, with a growth rate
of 2.4 percent in the 2015Q2. Non-oil sector remained the driver of growth, in
contrast to oil-GDP which witnessed a significant negative growth. The huge
drop in global crude oil prices was the main cause of the contraction in
Oil-GDP growth.

The slump in oil prices
resulted in a substantial fall in oil revenue by 41.2 percent in 2015Q1. A
remarkable increase in non-oil revenue in April dampened the effect of the fall
in oil revenue in the first half of 2015. In general, total federally collected
revenue increased by 3.4 percent in 2015H1. Fiscal deficits which increased at
the start of 2015, was reversed at the last month of 2015Q1, an impact of the
austerity measures which has led to a consistent decline in government



Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 1)

Nigerias external reserves improved in 2017. The reserve stood at approximately $39 billion as at the end of December 2017, up by about 50 percent from the $26 billion at the beginning of the year 20172. The surge in reserve was particularly boosted by increased capital importation, and crude revenue earnings prompted by a relatively higher crude oil price and improved domestic production. Given that the recent uptick in external reserves is still largely associated with improved crude oil price, efforts should be geared towards conserving current reserve gain so as to cushion future external shock. In the medium term, there is need to diversify export earning away from oil so as to mitigate the effects of volatility in crude oil prices.