June 18, 2013

Achieving Inclusive Growth Through Pro-poor Spending

paper examines if the nature of the economic growth in Nigeria is inclusive
(Pro-poor) or exclusive (pro-rich) and recommends ways to achieve inclusive
growth with emphasis on Pro-poor spending.

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Author:Ibrahim A. Tajudeen

Publication Date: December, 2011

Document Size:18pages


  • This study aims to achieve the following objectives;
  • Determine whether Nigeria is experiencing economic growth.
  • Determine the nature of the growth in Nigeria inclusive (Pro-poor) or exclusive (pro-rich)?
  • Recommend ways to achieve inclusive growth or to sustain existing inclusive growth emphasize Pro-poor spending.


Inclusive Growth

    • growth that enables the poor to actively participate in and significantly benefit from economic activities.
    • growth that reduces the level of poverty by providing everyone the minimum basic capabilities
    • Labour absorbing, mitigate inequalities, facilitate income and employment generation for the poor, particularly women (ADB,1999)

Pro Poor Spending

    • reduces the level of poverty, inequality and empowers females.
    • focuses on the development of key social and



Political Decentralisation And Natural Resource Governance In Nigeria

The paper discusses Natural Resource Control and how it is affected by governance in Nigeria with focus on two oil-producing states. It also examines sub-national accountability in the use of natural resource revenues.