December 20, 2023

Implementing the AfCFTA Agreement: Implications for Biodiversity, Agriculture and Trade Negotiations

This policy insights examines the potential impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area, and its underlying agreement, on biodiversity, agriculture and food security in Africa. It highlights the significant benefits that the implementation of the agreement promises to bring, particularly in the agricultural sector, and the potentially negative effects on Africa’s biodiversity, smallholder farmers and the environment. To mitigate these potentially negative effects, this policy insight recommends various policies aimed at supporting biodiversity-based agriculture, establishing a common approach to intellectual property rights protection, regularly assessing compliance with multilateral environmental
agreements, promoting access to biodiverse and nutritious produce, and investing in
capacity development, research and partnerships.

This paper was first publised by SAIIA. READ MORE



Rising Inflation: Will The MPC Raise The Policy Rate Or Support Economic Growth

This brief examines global and domestic developments in Nigeria as well as the effect of slowdown in economic growth of key oil consuming nations on the Nigerian economy.