July 12, 2023

The Nigeria Tobacco Policy Landscape: The Role of States in Tobacco Control

Tobacco control policy refers to the efforts made to reduce the impact of tobacco use on public health. This can include measures such as increasing taxes on tobacco products, implementing smoke-free laws, running anti-smoking campaigns, and providing support for people who want to quit smoking. In Nigeria, the government played a critical role in the country’s tobacco control efforts by ratifying the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), which commits the government to take appropriate measures to reduce tobacco use and its associated health effects.

At the federal level, the government enforced tobacco control policies that apply to the entire country. The policies in this regard include higher taxes on tobacco products, Public smoking bans, regulations on tobacco advertising and sponsorship, and mandatory graphic health warnings on tobacco packages. Furthermore, the government allocated resources to support tobacco control programs and campaigns, monitor the impact of tobacco use and the effectiveness of tobacco control policies.

This brief highlights the importance of state involvement in tobacco control efforts. It seeks to provide evidence-based recommendations through the WHO MPOWER framework on how state governments can effectively implement tobacco control policies and programs that will protect their residents from the harmful effects of tobacco use.

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March 13, 2018 - 4:00 am
24.24 MB
v.1.7 (stable)



CSEA-CPED Host National Workshop On Climate Change

CSEA in collaboration with the Centre for Population and Environmental Development (CPED) convened a National Workshop on "Climate Change and Environmental degradation in Nigeria" on September 8-9 201