
May 13, 2014

Nigeria-Poland Bilateral Trade: Identifying New Trade Opportunities

This paper examines the bilateral trade relationship between Nigeria andPoland for the period 1995 to 2012. It uses the Decision Support Model (DSM)and the Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework (GIFF) to identifymarket for Nigerian exports in Poland.

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March 13, 2018 - 4:00 am
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The import and export indicators reveal low trade intensities between the twocountries as well as weak complementarity between Polands importdemand and Nigerias export supply. There is also evidence of rising growth inthe demand for products in which Nigeria has actual and potential exportcapacity. In addition, Nigeria faces relatively lower tariffs on Polands topimports while the cost of transportation and logistics associated with tradingwith Poland is lower than those of Nigerias current major export partners suchas India and Brazil.

Furthermore, the paper identifies enormous unexploited market opportunitiesavailable to Nigeria for trading with Poland and therefore recommends that,in its quest for industrialization, the Nigerian government should support itsprivate sector to take advantage of this opportunity.



Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 22)

Power sector analysis shows a decline in power generated by 15.07 percent from a peak of 3,424 mw to 2,908 mw between May 8, 2016 and May 15, 20169. The declining power supply is attributable to vandalism of pipelines and gas shortages, which has a debilitating effect on power generation. As part of the efforts by the Federal Government to improve power supply in the country, the Bank of Industry (BoI) is currently funding intervention projects to provide alternative source of energy (solar) in rural areas across the country10. Since the major problem facing power generation in the country is gas shortages, the government should make concerted efforts to combat vandalism.