Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

March 1, 2017

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 7)

Recent domestic Crude oil statistics from the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), reveals an increase in total crude oil export sales in December 2016. Relative to November 2016, total export sales of crude oil rose from $166.18 million to $195.40 million in December 2016 representing 17.6 percentage (Month-on-Month) increase. The increase is attributable to a rise in crude oil production following a drastic (Year-on-Year) reduction in pipeline vandalism in the preceding month. Given that improvement in oil revenue is critical to fiscal sustainability and external balance, intensified efforts should be implemented towards the maintenance and sustainability of peace in the Niger Delta Region.

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 2)

Recent ranking by the World Bank, portrayed Nigeria as having a poor business environment based on the ease of doing business in 2016. Although, Nigeria moved one position forward from previous (2015) ranking, to attain the 169th position out of the 190 global economies reviewed4. This poor rating is resultant of a myriad of factors, including: difficulties in starting a business, enforcing contracts, inaccessibility to credit, tax payment issues, as well as unreliable supply of energy, and labour market regulations. Going forward, improving the efficiency of tax administration by adopting the latest technology to facilitate the preparation, filling and payment of taxes will be beneficial for the business community.

Employment Choice And Mobility In Multisector Labor Markets

This paper examines employment choice and occupational mobility using data from Ghana in a model that incorporates capital market failure, credit constrained individuals and draw self-employment capital from family asset.

Nigeria Economic Chart Pack (2016H1)

The Nigeria Economic Chart Pack is a graphical display of relevant and periodic data to capture trends in the domestic economy. The report aims to illustrate the changes in economic trends with the aid of descriptive charts and a short note that describes the trend and drivers for the graphs.