Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

June 30, 2016

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 28)

weekly basket price increased marginally from $45.09 on June 17, 2016 to $45.95
on June 24, 2016, while Nigerias bonny light increased from $47.61
to $48.90 (with a peak of $49.2 on June 23, 2016)within the same
period. The rise in oil price, amidst downward pressures, was likely driven by
expectations that the UK would remain in the EU. However, price fell (to
$47.61) on June 24, 2016 following the outcome of the UK referendum (on June
23, 2016) to leave the EU. This was driven by concerns over a possible
contagion effect of further disintegration on the EU (a major oil consumer) which
could drive down oil demand in the longer term. In the medium term, oil prices could face
further pressure as a result of rising crude oil output and attenuating production
disruptions in Canada and Nigeria. Although, the recent rise in oil prices seem
transient, Nigeria can benefit from the marginal rise if disruptions in oil production
is quickly resolved

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Export Commodity Prices And Long-Run Growth Of Primary Commodities-Based African Economies

There is a link between primary commodity export prices and economic performance. Many African economies are primary commodities export biased, often in few primary commodities. Previous studies focus on the impact of commodity prices on growth in Africa with little attention paid to different primary commodities and level of diversification in primary commodities export. This study, investigates the effect of primary commodity prices on the long-run growth of 24 primary commodities-based African economies; by commodity types and level of diversification in primary commodities exports.

Cost Effectiveness And Benefit Cost Analysis Of Some Education Assistance Programmes In FCT, Nigeria

This study conducts a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Nigerias education sector with emphasis on the relative effectiveness and efficiency of Home Grown School Feeding & Health program and the Education Assistance program implemented in public primary school in the FCT, Nigeria.

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 2)

Inflation rate rose slightly to 9.4 percent in November 2015 from 9.3 percent in the previous month. This rise is attributed to price increase in Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages, and Transportation costs which extends from shortages of petrol across the country. The food sub-index grew by 0.2 percentage points to 10. 1 percent while, the Core sub-index declined by 0.2 percentage points to 8.7 percent within the period. The inflationary up-tick points to the need to curtail the rising food prices by increasing the supply of petrol in the country.