September 29, 2018

Infrastructure Development in Africa: Trends and Development

CSEA’s Research Associate, Mma Amara Ekeruche , participated in the workshop titled “Infrastructure Development in Africa: Trends and Development” organised by Global Economic Governance (GEG) Africa programme, on Friday, 28th September 2018, in Pretoria, South Africa.  The meeting provided a platform for participants to examine Africa’s rising debt as well as discuss developing infrastructure as an asset class as a way of mobilizing institutional investments specifically Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF) and pension funds for infrastructure development. 



CSEA Participates in the 7th Meeting of the Africa Policy Circle

CSEA participated in the 7th meeting of the Africa Policy Circle which focused on the central theme Structural Inequalities as a driver for Violent Extremism. The meeting provided a platform for wid