June 16, 2014

Young African Scholars Program, International Economic Association (IEA) World Congress

CSEA joined other researchers and policymakers at The Young African Scholars Program (YASP), which was organised as a special session during the 2014 International Economic Association World Congress. The event held on June 6-10,2014 in Amman, Jordan. The session provided a forum for discussing innovative, theoretical and empirical research on the key challenges facing Africa. It also facilitated the exchange of views among researchers and policymakers as the continent search its path towards economic emergence. Dr. Olumide Taiwo’s presented a paper on “The Fundamental Determinants of Competitiveness in African Countries”. His submission was oil countries, particularly those outside of the franc zone, need to invest in physical infrastructures while slowing down the rate of urbanization for non-oil countries, domestic investment, urbanization and openness to trade are strategies that can boost competitiveness, especially those in the franc zone.



West African Think Tanks Convene For TTIPEC Peer Learning Workshop

CSEA joined representatives from other West African think tanks in on July 15-16, 2014 in Accra, Ghana, for the Think Tank Initiative Policy Engagement and Communications (TTIPEC) Peer Learning Work

CSEA Participates In Workshop On Strengthening Capacity For Gender Analysis In Sub-Saharan African Countries

CSEA joined other researchers and policy analysts from Think Tank Initiative (TTI) supported institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa at a training workshop on July 6-9, 2015, in Kampala, Uganda. The work

Dr. Ebere Uneze Joins Experts, Policymakers At The World Economic Forum (WEF)

Dr. Ebere Uneze, Executive Director, CSEA, will join other experts, policymakers and global leaders for a meeting organised by Friends Africa, the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, UNITAID and the Global