November 30, 2015

CSEA Participates In The International Conference On Agriculture In West Africa

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the West Africa regional agricultural policy (ECOWAP), the conference was organized to take stock of progress made and provide guidance on its implementation in the next 10 years ahead.

The policy which was adopted in January 2005, has a vision of a modern and sustainable agriculture, based on the effectiveness and efficiency of family farms and the promotion of agricultural enterprises through the involvement of the private sector. Productive and competitive in the intra-Community and International markets, it must ensure food security and remunerative incomes to its workers. The conference programme included the following:

  • Sectoral Forums on Financing the Regional Offensive for a Sustainable and Sustained Revitalization of Rice Production in West Africa and on the West Africa Productivity Programme
  • Global Forum Review of Achievements of ECOWAP+10 and 2025 Outlook

Dr. Chukwuka Onyekwena joined government representatives, policymakers, stakeholders in the sector and other Research experts at the conference which provided a platform for a wide-range of discussions. The event held November 17-19, 2015, Dakar Senegal.



Half Year Macroeconomic Review And Outlook

Real GDP growth projections in major economies continue to be revised downwards as events in the Euro zone remain an issue. With this in mind, the Nigerian government is carrying on with policies aim

CSEA Participates In Resource Mobilization And Proposal Writing Training Workshop

The West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) organized a training course in Resource Mobilisation and Proposal Writing for Civil Society Organisations on May 12-15,2015 in Accra, Ghana. The objecti