December 15, 2015

2nd Technical Workshop On Straightening Capacities In Gender Analysis For The Sub-Saharan African Countries

The Consortium pour la Recherche Economique et Sociale (CRES), in collaboration with the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) and Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE) hosted a 3-day Technical workshop on the theme Straightening Capacities in Gender Analysis for the Sub-Saharan African Countries.

The workshop which held on December 7-10, 2015 in Dakar,Senegal, aimed to consolidate and strengthen the capacity of Think Tank Initiative (TTI) supported researchers and institutions in sub-Saharan Africa. it also provided a platform for researchers and policy analysts with different levels of knowledge and experience in gender analysis to exchange ideas and share experiences.

This includes: creating a deeper understanding of the concepts and methods of gender analysis, enhance ability of participants to put gender analysis to use in their work and strengthen institutional commitments to gender analysis by a network of IDRC-funded institutions.Dr. Solomon Olakojo joined other senior researchers from Think Tanks across the region for the event.