March 9, 2016

CSEA Participates In WATTNET Write Shop

On the occasion of the inaugural conference and formal launch of the West African Think Tank Network (WATTNet) taggedTransforming West Africa for InclusiveDevelopment, the Think Tank Initiative organized a story telling write shop for researchers and communications staff from all seven TTI-funded think tanks from the region.

The workshop aimed to strengthen the capacity of think tanks to identify as well as develop stories of influence that promote their institutions work by gathering, and consolidating these stories through joint learning and co-writingprocess.The objectives of the Story TellingWrite-Shopare to:

Help think tanks identify high impact stories of influence

Guide think tanks through the process of mapping of influence initiatives

Work with think tanks towritetheir stories of influence in a way that facilitates understanding and touches the various desired audiences

Support think tanks in finalizing their stories

Helpwriteshopparticipants train colleagues within their institutions

Tirimisiyu Oloko and Drusilla David joined other Researchers and communications staff at the workshop which provided a platform for discussions, peer-learning and exciting write shop exercises. The event held March 3-5, 2016, Accra, Ghana.
