Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

January 23, 2017

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 2)

Recent ranking by the World Bank, portrayed Nigeria as having a poor business environment based on the ease of doing business in 2016. Although, Nigeria moved one position forward from previous (2015) ranking, to attain the 169th position out of the 190 global economies reviewed4. This poor rating is resultant of a myriad of factors, including: difficulties in starting a business, enforcing contracts, inaccessibility to credit, tax payment issues, as well as unreliable supply of energy, and labour market regulations. Going forward, improving the efficiency of tax administration by adopting the latest technology to facilitate the preparation, filling and payment of taxes will be beneficial for the business community.

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 35)

Nigeria's Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased at an annual rate of 0.55 percent in 2017Q21, compared to the -0.91 percent (revised) in 2017Q1 indicating the first quarterly positive growth rate since 2016Q1 and an evidenced exit from five quarters of economic recession. The acceleration in real GDP in 2017Q2 reflects the significant increase in oil sector GDP from -11.64 percent in 2017Q1, to 1.64 percent in 2017Q2 a 13.3 percentage points Quarter-on-Quarter increase. However, Non-oil GDP moderated by 0.3 percentage points to 0.45 percent. Despite the recent favorable economic performance, growth prospect remains fragile.

Job Creation In Nigeria: Challenges, Opportunities And The Role Of Micro, Small And Medium Enterpris

This paper identifies the challenges of job creation in Nigeria and examines governments approach using the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises to support Economic reforms.