Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

November 7, 2016

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 46)

Executive council recently approved a three-year external borrowing plan
(2016-2018) which specifies external borrowing of approximately $30 billion (to
be sourced mostly from MDBs) for infrastructure development.
Although, the plan is yet to be approved by the Senate, the planned concessional
loans for infrastructural development would imply inflows of foreign exchange which
could help moderate the exchange rate volatilities in the near term, and offer
potential improvement in business productivity and job creation.

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Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 27)

The Naira strengthened against the dollar in the review week. Specifically, the Naira appreciated by 2.7 percent to N355/$ (parallel market rate) on June 17, 2016, following the release of the flexible FOREX policy guidelines by the CBN on June 15, 2016. The new policy effectively adopts a single market structure hosted at the autonomous/inter-bank market. The inter-bank trading scheduled to commence on June 20, 2016 will be market-determined, officially eliminating the N197/$ peg. To ensure foreign exchange liquidity, primary market dealers have been introduced while the CBN will participate in the market through periodic interventions.