Macroeconomic Report & Economic Updates

September 16, 2016

Nigeria Economic Update (Issue 39)

external reserve fell marginally by from $25.36 billion to $25.16 billion.
The decline likely reflects the continued sales of dollar by CBN amid fall in
oil revenue. Similarly, the naira/dollar exchange rate depreciated marginally
by 0.5 percent to N424/$ at the parallel segmentas also seen in
preceding weeks. The continued depreciation likely points to banks low level
compliance to CBNs dollar sales directive made in August, 2016,
thus creating artificial dollar scarcity in the parallel market.

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A Review Of Nigerias 2016 Budget

This study reviews and assesses the 2016 budget of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in line with IMFsbudget assessment indicators, namely: comprehensiveness, transparency, and realism. The assessment is based on clear understanding of the present administrations objectives, which are: to achieve socio-economic and infrastructural development, to diversify the Nigerian economy, and to achieve improved security of lives and properties.

Nigeria Economic Update(Issue 31)

Recent data on Consumer Price Index (CPI) indicates significant increase in general price level for the sixth consecutive month. Headline inflation increased by 0.9 percentage points from 15.6 per cent recorded in May to 16.5 percent in June the highest rate recorded since October 2005 (an 11-year high). The core sub-index increased from 15.1 percent to 16.2 percent while the food sub-index stood at 15.3 percent, an increase of 0.4 percent from the preceding month of May. Higher prices of domestic/imported food and other items, as well as increased energy cost were major drivers of the increase. This is probably explained by the exchange-rate pass-through, given the significant depreciation of the naira.