March 12, 2024

Launch of the Research Report on Sugar- Sweetened Beverages (SSB) Tax Study

Fidelis Obaniyi, Research Associate, represented CSEA at a public presentation of findings from the study, “Potential Fiscal and Public Health Effects of SSB Tax in Nigeria”, organised by Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) on February 27 and 29, 2024 in Abuja and Lagos respectively.

The SugarSweetened Beverage (SSB) Tax research study, led by CSEA, seeks to contribute significantly to the improvement of Nigeria’s health outcomes by enabling data-driven policy decisions and interventions to combat Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

The SugarSweetened Beverage (SSB) Tax research study, led by CSEA, seeks to contribute significantly to the improvement of Nigeria’s health outcomes by enabling data-driven policy decisions and interventions to combat Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs).

In summary, the study suggests that a raise in SSB tax from the current N10 per litre to N130 per litre has the potential to generate substantial revenue and improved public healthcare in Nigeria.



CSEA Participates in the 7th Meeting of the Africa Policy Circle

CSEA participated in the 7th meeting of the Africa Policy Circle which focused on the central theme Structural Inequalities as a driver for Violent Extremism. The meeting provided a platform for wid