Benefit Incidence Analysis Of Education And Health Spending In Nigeria

This brief examines the beneficiaries of government expenditure in the social sectors of education and health, and answers the question of equity in the provision of social services among different income groups.
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Cost Effectiveness And Benefit Cost Analysis Of Some Water Interventions In Bauchi State In Nigeria

This study presents a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of two water interventions in Bauchi state, Nigeria aimed at reducing the incidence of and death from diarrhea disease namely: the Pipeline and Hand pump water supply schemes.
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Rising Inflation: Will The MPC Raise The Policy Rate Or Support Economic Growth

This brief examines global and domestic developments in Nigeria as well as the effect of slowdown in economic growth of key oil consuming nations on the Nigerian economy.
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Nigerias Budget For 2012: Inclusive Growth And Job Creation

This brief examines Budget 2012 and highlights key structural and institutional challenges that have been militating against the achievement of inclusive growth and employment generation as listed in the budget.
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Program Budget Analysis Of Nigeria's Federal Government Expenditure in the Education And Health Sectors

This brief aims to deepen stakeholders understanding of the sources of funding and how money is allocated to and spent in the social sectors of health and education, which are critical for pro-poor growth and poverty alleviation.
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Transparency Deficits In The Disclosure Of Oil Sector Information In Nigeria

This brief examines the challenges in the discharge of statutory transparency roles by strategic regulatory institutions in the oil sector and also identifies policy interventions to improve access to information on key oil sector processes and transactions.
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Testing The Impact Of Foreign Aid And Aid Uncertainty On Private Investment In West Africa

The paper examines the impact of foreign aid on private investment in West Africa and whether multilateral and bilateral aid affects private investment differently.
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Implementing The Fiscal Responsibility Act At The State Level In Nigeria

Fiscal responsibility acts have become increasingly common tools to enhance fiscal prudence and public expenditure transparency in many countries. In Nigeria, fiscal profligacy at the sub-national level has emerged as a major contributor to state corruption and macroeconomic instability.
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Foreign Aid And The Real Exchange Rate In The West African Economic And Monetary Union

This paper examines the relationship between foreign aid and the real exchange rate to determine how the competitiveness of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) is affected by foreign aid.
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