The Chinese Model Of Infrastructure Development In Africa

Infrastructural development is a key step in providing a competitive business environment for African economies. It provides the backbone for poverty reduction strategies and programmes designed to improve the livelihood of the poor. Africa is in dire need of infrastructural development. The absence of quality infrastructure in the continent holds back per capita economic growth by 2 percentage points each year and depresses firm productivity by as much as 40 percent (Escribano et al., 2008 and Kelly, 2012). Estimates suggest that around USD 90 billion is required to close Africas infrastructure gap annually until 2020 (AICD, 2010).
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Nigeria Economic Review (First Half Report 2014)

Globally, advanced economies showed strong signs of recovery during 2014H1 despite the adverse effect of the severe winter (especially on the United States economy) while economic activities slowed and growth was below projection in emerging and developing economies.
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Regional Integration In Africa: Some Recent Developments And Challenges

African countries have been left out of the recent benefits accruing from international trade. For example, they accounted for only 3.2 percent of world trade in 2013 compared to 5 percent in the mid-1960s. Regional integration can reverse this weak performance as it holds the promise for countries to gain from the resultant economies of scale and enhanced competitiveness. It will also help to expand the markets for foreign direct investment.
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Economic Growth And Job Creation (2012 Q3 To 2013 Q4)

This report examines the pattern of economic growth and employment generation in Nigeria based on quarterly data. It also analyzes the quality of job creation, dynamics of output and employment and establishes the link or absence thereof between economic growth and labor demand.
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Rethinking Job Creation and Employment Generation Strategies in Nigeria

Recent achievements of robust economic growth accompanied by increasing rates of unemployment present an uncharted paradigm in the history of the Nigerian economy. Despite economic growth averaging 7 percent during 2004-2012, unemployment rose from 13.4 percent to 27.4 percent. In particular, youth unemployment rose from 29 percent to over 40 percent.

The experience becomes more paradoxical when the drivers of recent growth are brought under consideration. Over the period, non-oil sectors that are considered natural job creators – agriculture, commerce and distribution, and communications sectors – account for more than 80 percent of economic growth. While the increasing unemployment rate is in part due to expansion of the labor force due to influx of new entrants, it is more significantly a result of failure of economic growth to create substantial employment. At other times, especially during the financial crisis, economic growth was accompanied by net job destruction.

This paradox puts a dent to credibility of the “growth will create labour demand” hypothesis that has been the key doctrine of the Bretton Woods institution for decades, and has led to suggestions for rethinking labor market strategies. Realization of the need for growth to create employment and reduce poverty had given birth to the increasingly popular qualification of economic growth in terms of “inclusiveness” and “pro-poorness” in development circles. Indeed, there is a renewed emphasis on promoting growth in sectors with high rates of labor absorption, with the idea that expansion of those sectors will result in increased demand for labour, and as a consequence, increased employment rates.

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Explaining Sectoral and Spatial Variations in Growth Pro-poorness in Nigeria

The link between poverty reduction and growth has for some time been the focus of numerous empirical studies on growth. Recent studies show that the responsiveness of poverty to economic growth varies significantly both within and between countries and that growth alone is not sufficient for poverty reduction. For example, Klasen and Misselhorn (2008) found that a one-percent increase in economic growth will cause headcount poverty to reduce by 16.7 percent in Slovakia, 6.5 percent in Latvia, 2.1 percent in Brazil, 0.54 percent in Zambia and in China, 2.8 percent in the urban sector and 1.44 percent in the rural sector.  There is a renewed effort to understand the intervening factors between poverty and growth given the recent strong growth witnessed in several countries. This effort is particularly more pronounced in sub-Saharan Africa where growth and poverty have almost kept pace with each other.

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Nigeria-Poland Bilateral Trade: Identifying New Trade Opportunities

This paper examines the bilateral trade relationship between Nigeria andPoland for the period 1995 to 2012. It uses the Decision Support Model (DSM)and the Growth Identification and Facilitation Framework (GIFF) to identifymarket for Nigerian exports in Poland.

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Increasing Female School Enrollment In Nigeria: Some Policy Options

This brief examines two policy alternatives which government can adopt in order to increase the enrollment of girls in the primary school and also help eliminate gender disparity in Nigerian schools: Provide free primary education with Stipends or provide free primary education with Transportation.
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Increasing Measles Immunization Coverage In Borno State Nigeria: Some Policy Options

This brief examines two measles immunization programs for children of age 9-23 months in an effort to boost measles immunization coverage in Borno State: free immunization against measles with media awareness campaign and free immunization against measles with house to house campaign.
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