Roundtable discussion on Educational Performance in Nigeria

Within the framework of Southern Voice’s study “State of the SDGs”, the Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA) organised a roundtable discussion to discuss Educational Performance in Nigeria and Sustainable Development Goal 4 (“quality education). Topics included: the dimensions, drivers, and implications for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the demand for an Education and Systems Change in Nigeria.
The first presentation focused on “Exclusion in Quality Education in Nigeria: Dimensions, Drivers and Implications for SDGs”. It discussed quality education while focusing on excluded groups. The study notes that wealth seems to be a significant dimension of exclusion in quality education in Nigeria. There is also a regional dimension and a rural-urban divide. In addition, the gender aspect of exclusion in quality education in Nigeria seems vital.
The second session was on “Understanding Synergies, Trade-offs & Global Systemic Issues in Meeting SDG4 in Nigeria”. The study aims to explore the linkages between the quality education goal & other SDGs. It asks how pursuing other goals positively or negatively affect SDG4. There was also a discussion on global systemic issues, how they affect local efforts at meeting the quality education goal and the transmission mechanisms through which this relationship plays out.

The 3rd Session on “Demand for Education & Systems Change in Nigeria”, focused on the demand side of education, getting parents invested in their kids’ education and communities in the quality of schools. Questions explored were: How can we increase the demand for quality education by parents and communities, so that students take advantage of inputs? How does politics influence quality education, and how does demand interact with politics?