Dig Into The Facts With Professor Probe

Professor Probe is one of our very finest researchers here at CSEA. He just loves facts and will be bringing you all of the exciting ones from our research.

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The Poor man's Pandemic

CSEA investigates the depths of the impacts of Covid-19 on Nigeria's poorest people.
Click here for more insights on our research on Covid-19.


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Investigating the Historical Demand for Education in Nigeria - (Episode 1) Chief Onyeama of Eke

Within our Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE) Project across Nigeria, we investigate the compelling story of late Chief Onyeama of Eke and his impact on education there and beyond.

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CSEA Nigeria

This film is a part of a series that captures key lessons learned by African Think Tanks that participated in the Think Tank Initiative over the last 10 years. This video features interviews with staff members from Center for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA), a think tank based in Nigeria. The series, titled “Think Tanks in Africa: Bridging Knowledge, Policy and Practice”, consists of 16 videos that profile different think tanks and each story captures the challenges and opportunities that think tanks face across East and West Africa in their efforts to achieve economic, social and political change. The Think Tank Initiative (TTI) helped to strengthen policy research institutions - think tanks - in 20 developing countries over 10 years through a mix of core funding and support for capacity development. The stories in this series provide a first-hand account of how this support impacted think tanks in Africa.

To learn more about the Think Tank Initiative, visit: http://www.thinktankinitiative.org/.

To learn more about CSEA, please visit: http://www.thinktankinitiative.org/th...

This video was produced by ReWild Africa for the Think Tank Initiative:http://www.rewildtv.com/


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An assessment on livelihood opportunities for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Nigeria (Pt2)

In 2015, the majority of the IDPs population arising from the Boko Haram insurgency constituted 79 per cent of the IDPs population in Nigeria. These Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) including widowed women and children orphaned by the conflict, are largely catered for by international humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and agencies of the United Nations, in collaboration with local and federal emergency relief agencies. Despite the efforts of both the local and international humanitarian agencies, many of the internally displaced people are still exposed to debilitating hunger and disease conditions with little or no means of livelihood sustenance. The Centre for the Study of Economies of Africa (CSEA) conducted an assessment of livelihood opportunities for IDPs in FCT Abuja to assess income-generating activities undertaken by IDPs, their vocational skills and training needs. Particularly, the survey entailed mapping out the market systems in project areas to; identify the current opportunities for skills and products; identify barriers to exploiting current opportunities and suggest ways in which IDPs can navigate them. Subsequently, CSEA’s research findings will seek to: 1) provide specific relevant, and reliable advice to humanitarian organizations as to which areas of enterprise they can select, strengthen or diversify for the sustainable livelihood benefit to IDPs 2) Gather information on market demand and IDPs’ livelihood assets, and translate it into programming of capacity building interventions that respond to the unique business environment and IDP needs

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