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A Call to Action: Deepening States' Contribution to Ending Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Nigeria as a Panacea for Gender Inclusion

Ending Gender-based Violence (GBV) as highlighted within SDG 5, aims to achieve gender equality and inclusion. Specifically, SDG 5.2 seeks to eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation . As a result, SDG 5 acknowledges that inclusion cannot be achieved until GBV is eliminated. In Nigeria, women have historically been the victims of various kinds of violence as a result of a patriarchal society and for them to achieve inclusion in society, we must first ensure that they are safe from violence and sexual assault.

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Building trust, shaping the future:AI governance for Africa

This policy brief aims to outline the key considerations for developing artificial intelligence (AI) governance frameworks that promote transparency, accountability and confidence in AI systems across the African continent. AI is gaining some traction in African countries, as a means to drive socio-
economic development. Countries are recognising the potential of AI and as a result, are investing in research, innovation, and infrastructure to foster its growth.

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Unlocking stronger institutions, policies and citizen participation in Africa for a more effective data driven public sector

This brief evaluates the current state of enabling institutions, policies, and citizen engagement, in fostering greater data value creation in the public sector. Based on our analysis of selected sub indicators from the World Bank’s GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI or the Index), we observe that while African countries are investing more in the digital transformation of their public sector, governments in the region have mainly focused on strengthening digital infrastructure to optimise public sector operations and service delivery, but have recorded mixed results in terms of the overall achievement of enabling institutions, policies and citizens’ involvement to harness the potential of public sector data.

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Implementing the AfCFTA Agreement: Implications for Biodiversity, Agriculture and Trade Negotiations

This policy insights examines the potential impact of the African Continental Free Trade Area, and its underlying agreement, on biodiversity, agriculture and food security in Africa. It highlights the significant benefits that the implementation of the agreement promises to bring, particularly in the agricultural sector, and the potentially negative effects on Africa’s biodiversity, smallholder farmers and the environment. To mitigate these potentially negative effects, this policy insight recommends various policies aimed at supporting biodiversity-based agriculture, establishing a common approach to intellectual property rights protection, regularly assessing compliance with multilateral environmental
agreements, promoting access to biodiverse and nutritious produce, and investing in
capacity development, research and partnerships.

This paper was first publised by SAIIA. READ MORE

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Generative AI for Long-Term Advancement and Inclusive Transformation: Empowering Africa’s Future

This policy insight highlights the impact of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) on various sectors of the African economy and identifies some of the factors limiting the responsible adoption and growth of this technology in Africa. This brief further provides key policy considerations on how Africa can effectively employ the potential of generative AI to drive innovation, productivity, economic growth, and development in the continent. Through infrastructural development, capacity building and regional collaboration, Africa can harness generative AI's transformative power while ensuring its deployment is ethical, inclusive, and aligned with Africa’s unique challenges and goals.

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