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Game of strokes: Optimal & conversion strategy algorithms with simulations & application

Strategic decision-making for sequential move games requires rationality and continuity of ra[1]tionality to guarantee maximum payoffs at all nodes/stages/levels. Rationality and continuity of rationality in a player’s behaviour are not often observed and/or maintained thus, leading to less optimal outcomes. More so, the belief in an opponent’s rationality, on the other hand, co[1]determines the level of effort a player employs while making strategic decisions. Given irratio[1]nality and discontinuity of rationality in a sequential move game with mover advantages, there are strategic steps (algorithms) to convert and/or maintain the mover advantages of an irrational player. In this paper, the conversion strategy algorithms, as well as the optimal strategy algo[1]rithms, are developed using the Beta Limit Sum (BLS) strategy model and the game of strokes. The simulation exercises confirm that the BLS strategy model is an optimal solution for the finite sequential game of strokes. One of the key applications of these strategies is that of resource economics like environmental resources (clean water, air & land). These are public goods, as such, the optimal strategy entails that the community cooperates (as one entity) and takes the same actions or strategy to maintain a healthy and clean state of the communal environmental resources.

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Trade and Women’s Economic Empowerment: Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

This book provides a fascinating account of how trade affects women’s economic empowerment. This book offers a compelling examination of how women workers and entrepreneurs are empowered through trade. This is a must-read for those that are interested in supporting women-owned/led SMEs.

This book was first published by Springer Link. Read more here.

Authors: Yiagadeesen Samy , Adeniran Adedeji , Augustine Iraoya , Madhurjya Kumar Dutta , Jasmine Lal Fakmawii , Wen Hao

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Are All Shocks Alike? Evidence From the Effects of Oil Shocks on Military Expenditure in Nigeria

In resource-endowed countries, the ability of governments to spend on the critical sectors of their economies depends on the stability of resource prices. Similarly, in crude oil-endowed countries, governments face fiscal constraints during a decline in crude oil prices. Such declines often affect economic performance and mostly result in economic downturns (Raifu et al., 2020). This has been the experience of Nigeria, the largest oil-producing country in Africa. Since crude oil was discovered in 1956 at the Oloibiri village of Niger Delta and became commercialised in the early 1970s, it has become the mainstay of Nigeria’s economy. The survival of Nigeria’s economy largely depends on oil price stability and oil revenue generation.


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The effect of ICT on financial sector development in Africa: does regulatory quality matter?

The moderating role of regulatory quality in the relationship between ICT and financial development in Africa is investigated in this study. We employ data from 38 African countries from 2003 to 2020. For the analysis, a two-step system GMM is used. Our findings demonstrate that ICT and regulatory quality are essential for financial development. The net effect of ICT and regulatory quality on financial development is positive, implying that regulatory quality moderates upwards the nexus between ICT and financial development. 

The journal was written by Isiaka Akande Raifu, Ismaila Adeleye Okunoye and Alarudeen Aminu


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Climate agreements and carbon intensity: Towards increased production efficiency and technical progress?

Dozens of studies point to evidence of significant reductions in carbon emissions driven by climate agreements, such as the Paris climate agreement. However, these studies fail to answer a pertinent question, that is, are global carbon emission reductions due to reduced production activities or are production processes becoming more efficient as less carbon is emitted per unit output due to technical progress? Such an understanding is important to evaluate the tension between environmental quality and economic growth. 

This journal was first published on Science Direct by David Iheke Okorie and Presley K. Wesseh Jr

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