June 18, 2013

The Budget, Fiscal Policy And Service Delivery

paper discusses the Macroeconomic impact of budget and its process and how to
achieve an efficient and timely budget cycle.

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Publication Date:December, 2010

Document Size:25pages

This presentation focuses on three key budget relatedissues in Nigeria:

  • Fiscal policyimpact on macro-economy
  • Budget processthe budget cycle
  • Service deliveryprogramme-basedbudgeting


  • Since 2003, there has been progress instrengthening public financial managementof the federal government of Nigeria;
  • However, in some respects there has beendeterioration in fiscal discipline and in thebudget process;
  • There has been limited improvement inservice delivery;



Regional Trade For Inclusive Development In West Africa

This study examines the potential of regional trade in facilitating the achievement of inclusive development in the West African region. It employs descriptive analysis to examine the nature, composition and dimension of ECOWAS trade within the group and with the rest of the world, vis--vis three other Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). From the preliminary study, it can be observed that the growth rate of West African economies is increasing, but the rising economic growth does not translate to improvement in inclusive development, as there was no significant reduction in poverty levels in the region. Further evidence reveals that extra-regional trade of the region is increasing at a very high rate, and also at a disproportionate rate with intra-regional trade, compared with SADC. This indicates the existence of opportunity to boost regional trade for inclusive development through conversion of part of the extra-regional trade into regional trade.