Strengthening Institutions to Improve Public Expenditure and Accountability (SIIPEA)

The project on strengthening institutions to improve public expenditure accountability is a 5-year project supported by DFID and managed by the Global Development Network (GDN) and Results for Development (R4D). CSEA is one of 14 institutions in the developing world that participate in the project. The project aims to support and strengthen the think tanks and research and policy institutions to engage in the analysis and monitoring of the quality of public expenditures, present research findings and policy alternatives for shaping policy debates. Under this project, CSEA will examine public expenditure in three areas of the Nigerian budget: health, education and water sectors.

Scope of the Project:  Review public expenditure efficiency for the Federal Government of Nigeria, as well as, two additional states – one in the North and another in the South of the country.

Time coverage: The project examines the Federal government budget for 2009 (as well as three preceding years: 2006, 2007 and 2008). The analyses will be updated for subsequent years during the project time period. At the end of the project period in 2013, results would have been obtained for a total of 8 years (2006-2013), thereby creating a useful database of micro-level information on budget allocations and expenditures in Nigeria.

Thematic areas: Examine four main areas under the research project, namely: Program Budgeting and Expenditure Analysis; Benefit Incidence Analysis; Cost Effectiveness Analysis; and Research-based Policy Options.